2020 Pandemic

Checking in.  Everything happened so fast! This global infection is a killer. Humans have come to a temporary halt as to the way life will be for a while. So now that the new way of life is to keep your distance, goodbye to the old way.  A live gig is out of the question at present. I enjoyed my tenure at Colombo’s Italian Restaurant and Jazz Club. I miss the whole scene. My pianist, Sunny Na and I played there on the first and third Sunday’s 11-3p. Now I find myself working on projects to keep busy. The sounds of nature are my new friends. I live with my partner Larry and our baby bear dog Kobe. I had just started getting serious about learning to play guitar, taking group lessons from Dale La Duke. I played flute when I was a kid. A friend was selling his woodwinds. I bought his flute and had it restored. It looks brand new!  I’ve got some new projects in the tube, and please check out a video my son put together for his class project using my new song, “Wrote It In A Song”. Take care everyone 

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