First Day of Spring

Happy Birthday, Dad.   I am going to miss you.


When I was a little girl I remember hearing about this singer named Etta James.  My mother told me she used to make my father cry when ever he heard her sing.  Well, when I became a teenager I found out Ms. Etta was performing at a place in Los Angeles called 'The Parisian Room'.  I was determained to see what this woman looked like.  Yes this woman who made my father cry.  I dressed up to make myself look older, (at least I thought so).  I pushed the car out the drive way when my mother was asleep, and off I went to Los Angeles.  No drivers license. No ID.  No money!

They wouldn't let me in The Parisian Room!   Said I looked too young.  After my sob story, someone let me stand in the back door of the kitchen.  I stood there and heard the crowds thunderous applause!  I managed to ease through the kitchen when no one was looking, closer to where I could see the stage.  There she was.  This cute, short, stout, blond, black lady.  Her eyes were made up like cat eyes and boy could she sing!  She was all over the stage and her act was raw!!   I loved it.  They kicked me out the kitchen when they discovered I was almost inside the club, but I was happy.  I finally saw Etta James. 

On my way back to Pasadena, I kept saying to myself.."Thats what I want to be when I get older, a singer like her."  I told my mother before she passed about sneaking the car all the time!  She said she already knew.  OK Britt..I saw Etta while you were over seas.  I understand truely.

Sleep well daddy.   

Britian Conley/ Pearl Harbor Survivor *March 20, 1920 - March 6, 2011 [Military time 19:20] *  LUV YOU!

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